Tamarack House

Tamarack House

Addition to an early 1900s farmhouse located on a quiet lake near Minneapolis

  • Type Residential
  • Location Excelsior, Minnesota
  • Architect MAS Studio
  • Team Iker Gil, Julie Michiels, and Jacob Chartoff
  • Client Private Residence
  • Year 2024
  • Status Ongoing
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The Tamarack House is an addition to an early 1900s farmhouse located on a quiet lake near Minneapolis. 

The addition replaces the existing garage with a new 2-car garage, a primary bedroom and bathroom, and a studio/workspace for a creative and outdoor-loving couple. The project also reconfigures the entry sequence to the existing house with a new volume that connects new and old while providing a space to lounge and enjoy the views across the landscape. 

The project is named for four prominent tamaracks that anchor the property’s natural shoreline. These trees, which are native to Minnesota and relatively rare in this area, have an understated beauty that changes throughout the seasons, while also offering exceptional wildlife value. Inspired by this setting, the Tamarack House celebrates the local landscape as well as reflects its history.

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