The second installment of Geometry of Light, an art intervention by Luftwerk in collaboration with Iker Gil, will take place at the Farnsworth House October 11-13. The art installation is organized as a collaboration between the Farnsworth House, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and MAS Context.
Friday, October 11, 2019 (VIP)
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Geometry of Light is a three-night light and sound art installation in the iconic Farnsworth House, designed by Mies van der Rohe, and on the surrounding land. Completed in 1951 and opened to the public in 2004, the Farnsworth House was the weekend home of Chicago research physician Dr. Edith Farnsworth. This outdoor intervention will uncover the forgotten history of the site and remnants of earlier landscape by revealing the underlying geometries that relate the world-renowned house to its river floodplain, site topography, and key trees that no longer exist.
In concert with the projected light, a custom-designed sound piece by Oriol Tarragó is integral to this experience. Developed in direct response to the site, this auditory component uses the pitch of the space to create a tonal reading. Together these elements provide a new interpretation of the Farnsworth House and its extraordinary location.
Geometry of Light will coincide with the third edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial.